
The National Guard Association of Connecticut




Of October 1993, as amended in March 1998, March 2003, January 2012, May 2012, August 2012 and September 2012

Article I – Name


The name of this Association as per Article I of the constitution is “The National Guard Association of Connecticut (NGACT),” herein called the Association.


Article II – Affiliations


Section 1. The National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS). The Association will encourage all eligible Guardsmen to become members of NGAUS and will participate in NGAUS activities. It will also fund the attendance of the President or the Vice President and the Executive Director or his designee at the annual NGAUS Conference. It will also fund at least the number of authorized delegates needed at the Annual NGAUS Conference.



Section 2. The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS). The association is a chartered member organization of EANGUS. As a chartered organization, the Association will collect EANGUS dues from all eligible Guardsmen that apply for EANGUS membership.  The Association will sponsor at least one delegate to attend the EANGUS Presidents’ Workshop.  It will also fund at least the number of authorized delegates needed at the Annual EANGUS Conference.


Section: 3.  The National Guard Executive Director’s Association (NGEDA).  The Association will sponsor the President, the Vice Presidents and the Executive Director as members of NGEDA and send at least one representative to NGEDA


Section 4:  The Connecticut Veteran & Military Coalition (CV & MC).



Article III – Membership and Dues


Section 1. Membership.


  1. Member (Annual). Any current member (officer or enlisted) of the Army or Air National Guard of Connecticut is entitled to membership upon payment of annual dues.
  2. Life Member. Any current member (officer or enlisted) of the Army or Air National Guard of Connecticut shall be entitled to a Life Membership upon payment of 10 times the annual membership fees (effective 1 January 1990).
  3. Retired Life Member. Any former member (officer or enlisted) of the Army or Air National Guard of Connecticut who is a member of the Retired Reserve or is retired under Title III U.S. Code, upon reaching age 60 shall be entitled to a Retired Life Membership upon payment of 10 times the annual membership fees (effective 1 January 1990).
  4. Honorary Member. Individuals not otherwise eligible for membership who make significant contributions to the welfare or benefit of the Association may be granted honorary membership by affirmative vote of the Executive Council. Honorary members are non-voting members of the Association and as such can participate in official functions and social events, but are not authorized to cast ballots or vote in any activity of the Association. Honorary members are not required to pay dues.
  5. Associate Member. Any other person who is interested in and dedicated to the purposes of the Association may be granted associate membership by an affirmative vote of the Executive Council. Associate members are non-voting members of the Association and as such can participate in official functions and social events, but are not authorized to cast ballots or vote in any activity of the Association. Associate members are required to pay annual dues.
    1. Associate Life Member. Same as Associate Member except upon payment of a life membership fee.
  6. Corporate Member. Any company, firm, organization or corporation that is interested in and dedicated to the purposes of the Association may be granted corporate membership with the affirmative vote of the Executive Council. Corporate members are non-voting members of the Association and as such can participate in official functions and social events, but are not authorized to cast ballots or vote in any activity of the Association. Corporate members are required to pay annual corporate dues.


Section 2. Dues


  1. Term of membership shall be on a calendar year basis from 1 January thru 31 December each year.


  1. An appropriate membership card will be issued to all members.


Section 3. Fee Structure

  1. Member (Annual) – $ 11.00
    1. Associate Member – $ 11.00
    2. Corporate Membership shall conferred based upon amount of the membership fee paid by such member in accordance with the following structure, with the Corporate Membership Committee setting the fees and benefits for each level with approval of the Association Executive Board:
    3.                     i.            Bronze Member
    4.                   ii.            Silver Member
    5.                 iii.            Gold Member
    6.                 iv.            Platinum


d.  The Executive Council may accord appropriate forms of recognition and   privileges commensurate with the category of membership and level of activity of such members consistent with the terms of members as set forth above.


Article IV – Committees


All committees will consist of at least three members and will be chaired by a member of the Association with the affirmative vote of the Executive Council.


Section 1. Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) committee. The EANGUS committee shall consist of all the Enlisted members of the Executive Council and will be chaired by one of the top three officers that is enlisted. This committee will coordinate all EANGUS affairs including:

  1. The nomination of delegates to the annual EANGUS conference.
  2. To enroll Enlisted members of the Association in EANGUS, to collect EANGUS dues and issue EANGUS membership cards.


Section 2. Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall make recommendations for the collection, expenditure and safekeeping of funds of the Association. The committee will be responsible for selecting the annual auditor.


Section 3. Legislative Committee. To establish liaison with various legislative bodies within the state with special regards to interests of the Connecticut National Guard; to undertake such legislative action and measures as the Executive Council and the Association may direct; advise the Association of current state of pertinent legislation and to prepare resolutions or other material for submission to the legislature. One member of this committee may be registered as a legislative agent.


Section 4. Membership Committee. The Membership Committee shall keep records of membership of the Association and make a report to the annual meeting or any other time upon call of the President. This committee shall prepare all membership forms and membership cards. The Membership Committee shall have the power to designate Unit Representatives to act on its behalf in enrollment and the collection of dues from the membership.


Section 5. The National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) Committee. The NGAUS Committee shall consist of all Commissioned and Warrant Officer members of the Executive Council and will be chaired by one of the top three officers of the Association that is a commissioned or warrant officer. The committee will coordinate all NGAUS affairs including:

a.  The nomination of delegates to the annual NGAUS conference.

b.  To monitor the NGAUS membership program.

c.  To encourage all members to attend the annual conference.


Section 6.  Public Affairs and Information Committee.  The committee shall promote the goals and purposes of the Association by informing the public of the activities and achievements of the Association.  It shall disseminate timely news release and announcements to the public news media for release thru the office of the President. Publish a quarterly newsletter.


Section 7.  By-Laws and Constitution Committee. The committee shall review the NGACT Constitution and by-laws at least once annually and make recommended changes to the NGACT Executive Board. The committee will accept recommended changes from the NGACT membership at any time and will hold meetings as needed to review the submitted changes and will make recommendations to the Executive Board as to whether to adopt or not.


Section 8.  Corporate Membership Committee. This committee shall seek Corporate Members for NGACT and oversee the Corporate Member Program, making recommendations as to changes to the NGACT Executive Board.


Section 9. Scholarship Committee. This committee shall oversee the NGACT Scholarship Program and any scholarship programs of EANGUS and NGAUS. The committee will actively seek applicants for the NGACT Scholarships and will recommend recipients to the NGACT Executive Board.


Section 10. Awards Committee. The committee shall oversea the NGACT Awards and Recognitions Program outlined in NGACT By-Laws Article VIII. The committee shall actively seek nominations for recipients of awards and conduct an appropriate recognition program.


Section 11. Retirees Affairs. This committee shall serve as the voice of the Retired National Guard Members within NGACT. The committee shall establish and maintain an open line of communication with retirees of the Connecticut National Guard, and encouraging them to bring issues or concerns to the NGACT Executive Board. This committee will also run the annual Retirees Picnic.


Section 12. Insurance. The Insurance Committee is responsible for working with the Militia Insurance Trust and all SSLI briefing staff to give as much visibility to the Insurance program as possible. The committee chairman will be the point of contact for all claims on SSLI Coverage upon the death of a Connecticut Guardsman whose family does not deal directly with the Insurance provider or Militia Insurance Trust and will obtain death certificates for the deceased and forward to Militia Insurance Trust to file the claim.


Section 13. The President of the Association may appoint such special committees as deemed necessary. The membership thereof shall consist of such members as the President may determine.



Article V – Order of Business.


Section 1.  The order of business meetings, in so far as possible, shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.


Section 2.  Electronic Voting may take place in accordance with procedures and rules outlined in Appendix 1 to the National Guard Association of Connecticut’s By-Laws.


Article VI – Finance


Section 1. The fiscal year shall be from 1 January each year through 31 December of the same year.



Section 2: An annual budget for expenditure of all Association funds will be prepared. The Executive Council will review the budget quarterly and approve the expenditures for the next quarter.


Section 3. Expenditure of funds must be for either internal operations of the Association or within the scope of the NGACT Constitution, Article II – Purpose of the Association.


Section 4. All requirements for funds must be submitted in writing with complete justification to the Finance Committee for review and inclusion in each year’s budget.


Section 5. The schedule for remuneration is as follows:

  1. Secretary up to $100.00 annually
  2. Treasurer up to $100.00 annually
  3. Executive Director up to $250.00 monthly


Article VII – Executive Director


The Executive Director shall monitor and implement such programs of insurance as approved by the Executive Council and cause such funds derived from insurance operations to be maintained by the treasurer.


Article VIII – Awards and Recognitions


The Executive Board may recognize outstanding achievement or service in keeping with the purpose, goals, objectives and policies of the Association through the presentation of any or all of the awards set forth below. The Executive Board shall determine an appropriate mechanism for identifying and selecting deserving recipients and may appoint an ad hoc committee(s) to assist in the selection process. Announcement and presentation of awards and recognition will be made at the Annual Conference except where presentation of awards to National Guard units, corporations or other organizations would be more effectively made by a representative of the Association visiting such unit, corporation or organization directly.


Section 1: The Minuteman Award: This award is the highest honor bestowed on a member of the Association. It recognizes exceptional achievement, a patriotic act, highly distinguished service and/or an outstanding contribution to a military organization, community, the State, the Nation or the National Guard Association of Connecticut. Posthumous awards may be made to next of kin. Eligibility: Member or former member of the military Member of NGACT


Section 2: The NGACT Leadership Award: This award recognizes a company grade officer who epitomizes the loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage exemplified in the Soldiers and Airmen Creed. Eligibility: Company grade officer, member of the Connecticut National Guard


Member of NGACT

Recommendation endorsed by the chain of command


Section 3: The CSM Anthony V. Savino Award: This award recognizes a noncommissioned officer who epitomizes the loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage exemplified in the NCO Creed.

Eligibility: NCO and member of the Connecticut National Guard Member of NGACT

Recommendation endorsed by the chain of command


Section 4: The Meritorious Service Award: The Meritorious Service Award is bestowed on an individual, firm or organization for outstanding service to the Connecticut National Guard and/or the National Guard Association of Connecticut.

Eligibility: Any individual, firm or organization, military or civilian


Section.5: The President’s Corporate Member Award: This award recognizes a corporate member that distinguishes itself through noteworthy contribution in furtherance of the purpose, goals and objectives of the Association.

Eligibility: Current corporate member of NGACT


Section 6: The President’s Retiree Award: This award recognizes the retiree member who distinguishes him/herself through noteworthy contribution in furtherance of the purpose, goals, objectives and policies of the Association.

Eligibility: Retired member of the military Member of NGACT


Section 7: Connecticut National Guard Unit Awards: These awards recognize units that distinguish themselves through their levels of commitment to and participation in the Association and its functions.

Highest Membership: Unit strength vs. Unit membership

Highest Enlisted Membership: Enlisted strength vs. Enlisted membership

Highest Officer Membership: Officer strength vs. Officer membership

President’s Unit Membership Awards

Gold Award                          100% membership

Silver Award                        90% membership

Bronze Award                      80% membership

Most Improved Unit Membership Award

Highest Participation at Annual Conference: Unit strength vs. Unit attendance




Appendix 1 National Guard Association of Connecticut By-Laws


Voting by E-Mail

Since the 1990s electronic media have become increasingly vital means of communication, both one-on-one and within a group, and have allowed an organization to conduct business more efficiently and quickly and at less expense.

Because Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 10th Edition, was published in 2000 it does not include detailed rules for conducting electronic meetings or taking electronic votes.

Although RONR (pp. xx and 2) discourages conducting meetings by e-mail alone, it does approve of conducting votes by e-mail if:

  • They are authorized in the by-laws; and
  • There are special rules in place to govern debate.


Rules for Voting by E-Mail

  1. The action being proposed within the motion must be of such immediate consequence that action must be taken before the next regularly scheduled meeting of the NGACT Executive Council.
  2. All participants must have access to the necessary equipment for participation in the e-vote. If any participants do not have access, and e-vote cannot be taken.
  3. The President or Committee Chair shall develop the time frame for the e-vote.
  4. A minimum of 24 hours’ notice shall be provided to all participants via e-mail by the Secretary. Such notice shall include the motion and supporting documentation for the e-vote.
  5. A second is not necessary for the motion to be considered.
  6. The motion to lay on the table is not in order.
  7. Each new main motion must be made in a separate, new e-mail message with no other message thread included.
  8. New motions in a new message may not be introduced while there is another motion currently being debated. No more than one main motion can be considered at one time.

Opening a Question for Consideration

  1. The President shall assign a number to the motion and shall include the number in the subject line. (Example: Motion 1.)
  2. The subject line must include the word “Motion.”
  3. The first line of the message must begin with “It is moved to (or that)…” If the motion comes from a specific officer or committee member “(Name of Officer) moves to (or that)…”
  4. All motions to be considered by e-vote must be sent to the President for assignment of number and the President will send the motion to the Secretary to send to all members of the NGACT Executive Board.


  1. Members shall use “Reply All” in all messages.
  2. Members may respond at will, that is, without seeking recognition from the President.
  3. Secondary and incidental motions (such as motions to amend) shall be given a letter designation in the subject line by the President. (For example: The main motion is given the number 1. There is a motion to amend. The amendment is given the designation “a”. In the subject line the amendment will be designated “Motion 1-a”.)
  4. Multiple secondary and incidental motions shall be given succeeding letter designations by the President. (For example: The main motion, amendment, a motion to refer to a committee and a motion to postpone to a certain time are all pending. The main motion is 1, the amendment is a, the referral is b, and the postponement is c. Motion 1-a-b-c.) As each motion is disposed of, the corresponding letter in the subject line is removed.
  5. In a case of conflicting secondary or incidental motions, the President shall determine preference in recognition by date/time stamp on the messages. When a higher-ranking motion is made first, the lower-ranking motion is not in order.
  6. Messages with a date/time stamp after a secondary or incidental motion is stated by the President shall be disregarded. The President will inform the member who made the disregarded motion that the motion is not in order at the time by using “Reply” rather than “Reply All.”
  7. The president shall close debate by asking “Are you ready for the question on Motion 1-a?” in the subject line.


  1. The President shall put the question to a vote by restating the pending question and requesting the members to vote now. The word “Vote” shall be in the subject line. (Example: Motion 1-a Vote)
  2. The President shall include the time frame/deadline for the vote.
  3. Members shall state “I vote yes” or “I vote no” in the first line of the response and use “Reply All.”
  4. The Secretary shall tally votes and report the result of the vote to the participants, including the number of votes cast for and against the motion.
  5. The President shall announce the results of the vote.
  6. The President shall either state the next pending motion and open debate or shall declare the thread on “Motion 1 closed.”

Secretary’s Records and Minutes

  1. The Secretary shall compile and maintain the complete thread of the motion and its disposition including all secondary and incidental motions.
  2. The Secretary shall prepare minutes of the e-vote and shall send the minutes marked “draft” to all the members of the NGACT Executive Board.
  3. These minutes shall be approved at the next regular meeting of the NGACT Executive Board.
  4. Any member NGACT shall have the right request a copy of the message thread of a motion.

Exemptions to E-Voting

  1. Matters pertaining to personnel that would normally be discussed in an Executive Session may not be considered via e-vote.