NGACT MAJ (RET) Perry’s Newsletter 15 March 2025

Mar 12, 2025 | Army

                           Bulletin 25 – 06  (15 March, 2025 Edition)  

Top News Stories:

NGACT ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2025 Professional development, social events, legislative panel, spouse lunch, 90s “prom night” Date: 21-22 MARCH, HARTFORD, CT Join us for our annual conference where members network with each other and collaborate on important issues and solutions. DOWNLOAD HERE:
National Office Update: Interim Executive Director

National Office Update: Interim Executive Director

Joshua BakerFeb 6, 2025
Operation SoCal Rebuild: NGRF Fire Relief

Operation SoCal Rebuild: NGRF Fire Relief

Josh BakerJan 15, 2025 EANGUS State Presidents & Legislative Workshop Feb. 23-25, 2025 Location: True Reformer Building, NGAUS Hall of States, Capitol Hill Host HotelCourtyard Washington, DC/U.S. Capitol | $179 + tax (Room block ends on 23 Jan 2025) Thank you for attending the 2025 EANGUS Presidents & Legislative Workshops. Your participation and engagement is a testament to our members’ and partners’ dedication to our mission.    EANGUS 2025 CONFERENCE  

Reno, NV | 11-14 AUGUST 2025 Grand Sierra Resort | 2500 E 2nd ST | Reno, NV 89595 Welcome to the Legislative Action Center.  Please take a few moments to contact your D.C. delegation and support EANGUS legislative priorities in the 118th Congress.    
SMSgt(Ret.) Ramon “Maui” Quizon Recognized

SMSgt(Ret.) Ramon “Maui” Quizon Recognized

During the February HNGA/HNGEA Joint State Conference, SMSgt(Ret.) Ramon “Maui” Quizon was honored with the prestigious EANGUS Distinguished Service Award. This award, presented among his peers and those he has championed for years, recognizes his unwavering dedication to the enlisted force and… Full Article  

Featured News Content

Washington Report

Career Guard Officer Tapped to be Next JCS Chairman

Read More Details  
Washington Report

Pentagon Moves to Reduce Civilian Personnel, Budget

Washington Report

Trump Appoints New Council of Governors

Read More DetailsRead More Details     NGAUS INITIATIVES: Zero-Cost TRICARE and Dental to Ensure Reserve Component Medical Readiness Thumbnail Priority Joint-Personnel ShareFacebookTwitterEmail The Issue National Guard and Reserve service members continue to face challenges in obtaining health care access to meet medical readiness requirements and ensuring continuity of care, especially when deploying overseas. Significant numbers of service members without health care directly impacts National Guard deployability, as no-notice deployments have increased to record-highs over the last several years. Recommendation Support Healthcare for Our Troops Act to provide zero-cost health benefits to National Guard and Reserve servicemembers.  Support Dental Care for Our Troops Act to provide zero-cost dental for National Guard and Reserve servicemembers. Authorize TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) eligibility for National Guard and Reserve service members who are federal employees in their civilian capacity.   Home Legislation Expansion of GI Benefits for the Guard and Reserve

Expansion of GI Benefits for the Guard and Reserve

Leg GI Benefits Priority Page
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The Issue

Since 9/11, the National Guard has transitioned from a strategic reserve to an operational reserve. Reserve and Active-duty service members train and deploy in unison for wildfires, hurricanes, overseas operations, and more. National Guard deployments have increased exponentially, from 818,496 days in 2006 to 9.5 million days in 2021. To be eligible for post-9/11 GI Bill benefits, Guardsmen serving under Title 32 must be responding to a national emergency declared by the President of the United States. As such, Guard members are serving alongside Active-duty and do not receive the same benefits.  

Increased National Guard Military Construction (MILCON) Funding

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The Issue

The National Guard represents a significant percentage of the Total Force. However, both the Army National Guard and Air National Guard do not receive enough military construction funding to ensure overall readiness of National Guard facilities.


  • Increase the share of military construction funding allotted to the Army National Guard and Air National Guard within military construction-veterans affairs appropriations legislation.
  • Authorize a report within the National Defense Authorization Act to study the military construction process generally and recommend efficiencies to ensure swifter authorization of projects, approval of funds, and more timely completion of military construction projects across the Total Force.

The National Guard Counterdrug Program

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The Issue

The opioid epidemic is wreaking havoc across the United States. Since 1989, the National Guard has been combating the crisis in every state, territory, and zip code through the National Guard Counterdrug Program (CDP). This program provides trained professionals from the National Guard to work alongside local law enforcement and help get drugs off the street. Despite proven success and the growing fentanyl crisis, CDP funding has remained stagnant since the early 1990s, at roughly $200M annually. Stagnant funding has resulted in the loss of over 100 full-time personnel annually since 2018. Between much-needed salary increases and inflation, the CDP was continually asked to do more with less. In FY24, the CDP received $305M.


  • We request the Senate and House continue to provide incremental increased funding to support the full 4,000 guardsmen IAW 32 USC 112, with an additional $30M for the schools, IAW public law 109-469.

147th General Conference & Exhibition

August 22 – 25, 2025 Milwaukee
NGAUS 2025 Logo
The NGAUS General Conference & Exhibition is the Association’s annual business meeting. Army and Air National Guard officers from all 50 states, three territories and the District of Columbia gather to network, set their legislative agenda and hear from America’s civilian and military leaders. Family members, industry representatives and local officials also attend. We hope to see you in Milwaukee next year! August 22 – 25, 2025 Milwaukee NGAUS CONFERENCE About 4,425 people registered to attend last year’s conference in Detroit. The last time a NGAUS conference reached this number of attendees was the association’s 140th General Conference & Exhibition in New Orleans, in 2018. Mark your calendar now for the 147th General Conference & Exhibition in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Aug, 22 to 25, 2025. SCAMS Be aware of phishing scams related to registration and housing for the conference. Instructions for registration will come in a Call to Conference from the NGAUS president, while members will register and book housing in their room blocks through their state delegation. Exhibitors and other non-exhibiting industry will register directly through the NGAUS website. Distinguished guests, including speakers, will coordinate directly with Lakeshia Williams. Registration is expected to open in March. Scams include attempting to sell you what they claim to be lists of conference attendees or contacting you via email or phone phishing for information about your hotel reservations. Only make conference registrations and hotel reservations with the NGAUS block through the website (for exhibitors and other industry), through your state delegation point of contact or NGAUS’ contracted affiliate Lamont Company. SOCIAL EVENTS The Governor’s Reception will be held at Discovery World. The Company Grade/Warrant Officer Mixer will be held at MECCA and the Beer Garden in the Deer District. The Senior Warrant Officer Mixer will be held at Gather, also in the Deer District. The States Dinner will be held in the Baird Ballroom, located inside the Baird Center, the conference convention center.     NGACT Executive Director Job Posting
NGACT Executive Director Job Posting: PART-TIME SUPPORT: The position has a monthly stipend and commission income possibilities. Hours vary, and the average monthly commitment is 65 hours. OPEN DATE: 9 December 2024-15 March 2025 The National Guard Association of Connecticut (NGACT) is a 501 (c) 19, IRS recognized non-profit organization that promotes and supports the Soldiers, Airmen, families, and partners of the Connecticut National Guard. NGACT is an active, charter member of two national organizations, the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) and the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS). DEFINITION: Executive Director Under the direction of the NGACT Executive Council and Board of Directors, the Executive Director is the Chief Executive Officer of NGACT. The Executive Director is responsible for the overall management and operations of the Association, adhering to the bylaws, strategic plan, and guidance of the Board of Directors. The Executive Director serves to plan, organize, direct, and control daily activities, operations, and business of the Association to promote and implement organizational goals and objectives while maximizing collective strength of the organization. The Executive Director will serve as the professional spokesperson for the Association. The Executive Director will have charge of the NGACT Headquarters to include responsibility for preparing and monitoring the association finances, develop and implement membership goals and policies, guide and engage in legislative efforts, engage and leverage relationships with corporate partners, work with Association committees to further objectives, encourage professional training of the board and members, oversee publications, and increase overall effectiveness and value of the organization to all vested parties of the Association. SUPERVISION: The Executive Director reports directly to the President of the Association at the behest of the Board of Directors; the Executive Director serves at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. The Executive Director will supervise all permanent, part-time, and interned staff members at the state headquarters and make personnel decisions relating to employees of the Association, in accordance with the Association Bylaws. TYPICAL DUTIES
  • Develops, plans, and implements membership goals, objectives, and policies.
  • Anticipate, advise, respond, and engage in legislative efforts of the Association.
  • Meet with various government officials, military leaders, other association directors, interest groups, and corporate partners of the Association.
  • Develop communication plans to promote membership, activities, conferences, and appropriate efforts of the Association.
  • Engage with both EANGUS and NGAUS to ensure maximum participation in both associations.
  • Reconciles membership records.
  • Execute monthly Board meetings.
  • Coordinate plans for members to attend events and conferences.
  • Develop, execute, and supervise annual budgets in conjunction with the NGACT President and Board Guidance
  • Attend all meetings and events for NGACT, EANGUS, and NGAUS, as required.
  • Negotiate and execute contracts on behalf of the Association.
  • Travel is required; expenses paid by Association.
  • Assists committee chairs with event planning and execution.
  • Interacts with private sector and industry partners.
  • Fiscal planning, management principles
  • non-profit certifications encouraged.
  • Military and National Guard Force Structure
  • Operational/Event planning experience
  • Experience working with defense contractors and public-private partnerships.
  • Local and Federal Government and legislative process
  • Understanding of: WordPress, Social Media tools, Paid Memberships Pro, Venmo, Stripe, Voter Voice
  • Development of promotional materials
  • Understanding of State Sponsored Life Insurance (SSLI), business development for Guard Associations
  • Military Service preferred.
  • Management and Leadership experience
  • NGACT membership
  • Resumes and optional cover letters are to be submitted to o
NLT midnight on 15 March 2025
  • Additional information or questions can be directed to the Executive Director search committee at
  • All applications will be reviewed by the search committee and those meeting all the qualifications that demonstrate the advertised experience will be invited to an interview for the position.
  • The preferred start date for the successful candidate is 1 April 2025
OCS/WOCS Information Brunch Who: Members of The Connecticut Army National Guard What: OCS/WOCS Information Brunches (3 dates) When/Where: Sun 02 Mar 2025, Southington Armory, 590 Woodruff St, Southington, CT 06489 1000 – 1200 hrs Uniform: OCP or Civilian Attire (If not on IDT status) Additional Instruction: Attendance must be coordinated with supervisor/commander if on a drill status. To register, scan the QR code of the program you are interested in, located on the attached flyer. You can register for both as well. Learn about your options for becoming an officer in the CTARNG. Meet with the OCS Program Manager, woes Program Manager, Cadre, Officer Strength Manager, Warrant Officer Strength Manager and Officer Recruiter. POC: CPT Mark Soltau (860) 982-2852 U.S. Army Retired Soldier Handbook 2025
DOWNLOAD U.S. ARMY RETIRED SOLDIER HANDBOOK HERE: The PACT Act and your VA benefits The PACT Act is a law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. This law helps us provide generations of Veterans—and their survivors—with the care and benefits they’ve earned and deserve. And starting March 5, 2024, we’re expanding VA health care to millions of Veterans—years earlier than called for by the PACT Act. This page will help answer your questions about what the PACT Act means for you or your loved ones. You can also call us at 800-698-2411 (TTY: 711). And you can file a claim for PACT Act-related disability compensation or apply for VA health care now. File a disability claim online Apply for VA health care Substitute House Bill No. 5491 Public Act No. 24-46 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: Section 1. Section 12-81 of the 2024 supplement to the general statutes is amended by adding subdivision (83) as follows (Effective October 1, 2024, and applicable to assessment years commencing on or after October 1, 2024): Property Tax Bill 2024 : DOWNLOAD TAX BILL HERE Pile of cash sitting atop a calendar2024 VA Disability Payment Schedule2024 VA Disability Payment Schedule | Military.comPile of cash sitting atop a | By Jim AbsherUpdated January 04, 2024 at 1:45pm EDT | Published November 28, 2022 Armed Forces Vacation Club AFVC Military Vacations for Families from Armed Forces Vacation Club | Login ( Membership is free; Become a member Welcome to Armed Forces Vacation Club – a free membership travel club for all active, retired and veteran military members. We believe that our military members and veterans deserve the best – that’s why a membership with Armed Forces Vacation Club provides a one-stop shop for all your vacation needs with exclusive discounts on resorts, hotels and so much more. Army Connecticut Veterans Bulletin CONNECTICUT VETERANS BULLETIN – Page 2 – Information by Connecticut Veterans for Connecticut Veterans. ( v1-cvbs-weekly-connecticut-veterans-calendar-publication-saturday-16-march-2024-1.pdf (   Behavioral Health Resources: Connecticut National Guard > Resources > Behavioral Health ( In crisis? Need help? Call 1 (800) 273-8255 and press 1 Contact a Connecticut National Guard Specialist Ms. Susan Tobenkin, LCSW Behavioral Health Specialist (860) 830-8991 Mr. Michael Dutko, LPC Licensed Professional Counselor (860) 946-9810 Mr. Peter Doria, LCSW Behavioral Health Specialist (860) 655-0296 Connecticut Guardsman represents Armed Forces at 2024 Florida Classic Tournament Defense Department Expands ID Card Renewals by Mail to US-Based Retirees, Dependents The Next Generation USID military spouse ID card I am a Retiree/Veteran: Check out these resources I am a Retiree/Veteran:

Check out these resources

America the Beautiful Passes

America the Beautiful passes offer eligible service members and families lodging discounts and access to more than 2,000 federal recreation areas across the United States.

Armed Forces Recreation Centers/Hotels & Resorts

Armed Forces Recreation Center hotels and resorts around the world offer a variety of vacation and recreation opportunities for eligible service members and sponsored guests.

American Forces Travel Program

The American Forces Travel program helps eligible service members and families access great discounts on air fare, cruises, hotels, trip packages, event tickets and more.

Survivor Benefits Newsletter and Link

DFAS Survivor SBP Newsletter Fall2023

Download entire newsletter HERE:

DFAS Retiree Newsletter & Benefits News + Link

Still most recent edition

Download entire newsletter HERE: DFAS Retiree Newsletter December 2023  – Still most recent edition

Free tax return preparation for Veterans, military members, and their families! Download entire newsletter HERE: DFAS Retiree Newsletter December 2023  – Still most recent edition Free tax return preparation for Veterans, military members, and their families! Free tax return preparation for Veterans, military members and their families – VA News Connecticut Guardian The newest edition of the Connecticut Guardian is now available online at:   Connecticut Guardian The newest edition of the Connecticut Guardian is now available online at:    


** Gov. Ned Lamont announced a new initiative to encourage state residents to join the Connecticut National Guard.
DOWNLOAD JEEP FLYER HERE:  JEEP Flyer The Connecticut Military Department’s Joint Enlistment Enhancement Program (CT JEEP 500). Each CTNG Guard Member (except for those members (and their relatives) who are assigned/attached to the 6th Recruiting and Retention Battalion), CTNG Retiree and CT Militia Member is eligible to become a Recruiting Assistant (RA). An RA who enrolls a lead in CT JEEP 500 will receive an allowance of $1,000 for each lead who enlists in the CTNG. Leads enlisting into a priority vacancy received additional $500.    

Army Echoes Now Available

Current edition: Army Echoes is the Army’s official newsletter for Retired Soldiers and surviving spouses. This month’s featured articles include:
  • The Army Chief of Staff Retired Soldier Council’s historic meeting
  • Survivor Benefit Plan Open Season Update
  • The VA disability rating and its full arsenal of benefits
  • Gray Area Retired Soldier and ready for retired pay?
  • Managing your retired pay allotments
  • Use your military benefits for a great vacation
  • Take advantage of your FEDVIP enrollment period
To contact the Army Echoes editor, send an email to US Military Recreation Facilities (Excerpted from the “Stephanie at Poppin’ Smoke” newsletter) If you want a fun vacation that won’t break the bank, don’t forget that you can use your benefits to stay in military recreational lodging. Here are 17 ideas to get you started with your planning.    

The National Guard Association of CT State Sponsored Life Insurance (SSLI)

  • Up to $1,000,000 coverage available*
  • Members covered in combat
  • Covered 24/365
  • Most valid claims paid within 24 to 48 hours of receipt of proof of loss
  • All military occupations covered
  • Spouse and Children coverage available
  • Coverage does not end and rates DO NOT go up just because you separate from the National Guard
  • SSLI can be payroll deducted from drill check or AGR payroll
  • All SSLI group plans cover members while serving in the Connecticut National Guard including deployment
For coverage details including eligibility, benefits, rates, exclusions, limitations and renewal provisions please contact the plan administrator tollfree at 800-633-8333. National Guard Association of Connecticut State Sponsored Life Insurance is provided under group life insurance policies issued to the Militia Insurance Trust (MIT). The Guardian group life policy and the Uniformed Services Benefit Association (USBA) 10, 15 and 20 year level term life policies are underwritten by New York Life Insurance Company.

Honor Flight Connecticut

A Hub of the National Honor Flight Network

Honor Flight CT recognizes American veterans for their sacrifices and achievements by flying them to Washington, DC to see THEIR memorials at no cost. Current priority is chronological by conflict (WWII, Korea and Vietnam) with special consideration given to terminally ill veterans from all wars. Guardians fly with the veterans on every flight providing assistance and helping veterans have a safe, memorable and rewarding experience. Please note: Veterans are only eligible once for the Honor Flight experience. Your information MUST be exactly as it appears on your ID For Airline Travel (License, Passport, Govt ID): DOWNLOAD THE HONOR FLIGHT APPLICATION HERE:Honor Flight – HFCT Vet App Please submit this form to: Honor Flight Connecticut c/o Amy Casey 26 Copperstone Lane Madison, CT 06443 2024 Calendar of Events 30-Jan-25 January Breakfast, Athenian Diner, 864 Washington St, Middletown 27-Feb-25 February Breakfast, Pop’s 134 Old Gate Lane, Milford 27-Mar-25 March Breakfast, Tea Kettle, 1395 Boston Post Rd, Old Saybrook   2025 Retiree Breakfasts
30-Jan-25 January Breakfast Athenian Diner, 864 Washington St, Middletown
27-Feb-25 February Breakfast Pop’s 134 Old Gate Lane, Milford
27-Mar-25 March Breakfast Tea Kettle, 1395 Boston Post Rd, Old Saybrook
24-Apr-25 April Breakfast Athenian Diner, 864 Washington St, Middletown
22 May-25 May Breakfast Pop’s 134 Old Gate Lane, Milford
26-Jun-25 June Breakfast Tea Kettle, 1395 Boston Post Rd, Old Saybrook
31-Jul-25 July Breakfast Athenian Diner, 864 Washington St, Middletown
21-Aug-25 August Breakfast Pop’s 134 Old Gate Lane, Milford
25-Sep-25 September Breakfast Tea Kettle, 1395 Boston Post Rd, Old Saybrook
30-Oct-25 October Breakfast Athenian Diner, 864 Washington St, Middletown
20-Nov-25 November breakfast Pop’s 134 Old Gate Lane, Milford
18-Dec-25 December Breakfast Tea Kettle, 1395 Boston Post Rd, Old Saybrook
Breakfasts are usually the last Thursday of each month but for 2025: 22 May:  Backed off a week due to Memorial Day Weekend 24-26 May. 21 Aug:  Backed off a week due to Labor Day Weekend 30 Aug – 1 Sep. 20 Nov:  Backed off a week due Thanksgiving 27 Nov. 18 Dec:  Backed off a week due to Christmas 25 Dec. Please let me know by Monday before each breakfast if you will be attending. We need to be fair to the restaurant and give them a heads up so they can set up the appropriate number of seats. Suggestions, comments or if you spot any errors, please get back.