Bulletin 23 – 05 (02 MAR 2023)
Sounding Taps
CPT (RET) Joseph J. McGowen
National Guard command sergeant major from Westerly killed in Exeter crash The Westerly Sun
On Thursday, the National Guard identified the soldier killed in a one-car crash Wednesday as Command Sgt. Maj. Richard Winkelman. Police and …
192d Engineer Bn Military Ball (Email from CSM Ernesto Riossoto)
I am the current Command Sergeant Major for the 192 Engineer Battalion. The Engineers will celebrate the 192nd EN BN’s strong and diverse community and our heritage on July 8th, 2023, with a formal military ball at the Mystic Marriott Hotel and Spa. We welcome retirees and their guests to join us and check this link: http://engineergala192nd.squarespace.com for more details. If anyone has additional questions, email us at 192nd.eng.bn.gala@gmail.com. I am developing a flyer and will provide it once it is ready. Meantime please distribute the link in your newsletter accordingly. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to me.
CSM Riossoto, Ernesto Engineering Technician (Civil)
Construction and Facilities Management Office (CFMO) 360 Broad St, Hartford, CT, 06105
Office: 860-405-3697
Cell: 860-933-7287
Colorado Getaways (From Stephanie at Poppin’ Smoke) Looking for getaway ideas? Colorado has great options year-round, including some very unique experiences.
This article I wrote for the MilitaryByOwner blog features three top destinations in Colorado that are fun any time of year!
Have a great week, and please remember that you are welcome and encouraged to share this information with anyone you know who could use it!
P.S. Want free lodging, minus the pet care? Do a house swap! Here’s how it works!
The new edition of Army Echoes is now available! Download the current edition by clicking on the link below:
Current edition: https://soldierforlife.army.mil/Documents/echoes/latest.pdf
Army Echoes is the Army’s official newsletter for Retired Soldiers and surviving spouses. This month’s featured articles include:
- A message from the Chief of Staff of the Army
- Survivor Benefit Plan Open Season 2023
- Which states tax military retired pay?
- Social Security considerations for Retired Soldiers
- Topics to cover in your final instructions
- Free legal assistance for Retired Soldiers
- The American Battle Monuments Commission celebrates 100 years
To contact the Army Echoes editor, send an email to ArmyEchoes@army.mil.
Army Echoes Blog: Did you know the Army publishes an additional 3-5 articles to the Army Echoes Blog each week? These are the same type of articles published in Army Echoes. Read the blog
at https://soldierforlife.army.mil/retirement/blog.
Why am I receiving this message? All Retired Soldiers and surviving spouses with active myPay accounts now receive Army Echoes electronically at their email address in myPay. Update your email address in myPay by visiting https://mypay.dfas.mil/#/.
Military Retirement and State Income Tax Some states don’t charge income tax on military retired pay. In all states, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs disability payments are tax-free….
2023 Calendar of Events: (New events are in BOLD)
Thu, 23 Feb 23 – Retiree Breakfast: 0900 at Pop’s Family Restaurant, 134 Old Gate Lane, Milford
Thu, 30 Mar 23 – Retiree Breakfast: 0900 at the Hangry Goose, 11 Halls Rd, Old Lyme
Thu, 27 Apr 23 – Retiree Breakfast: 0900 at Athenian Diner, 864 Washington St, Middletown
Sat, 29 Apr 23 – 242 Engr Bn Assn Dining Out: 1800 at Brazi’s Italian Restaurant, 201 Food Terminal Plaza, New Haven
Thu, 11 May – Sat 13 May – Vietnam War Commemoration, National Mall, Washington, DC https://www.vietnamwar50th.com/ (Flyer with Bulletin 23-03)
Sat, 13 May 23 – Memorial Service for CW5 (Ret) Glen E Crowell, 1400 at St John’s Episcopal Church in Vernon CT. With full Military Honors.
Fri, 19 May 23 – Armed Forces Day Luncheon: 1100 at Aqua Turf Club, Southington. More Information at: https://ct.ng.mil/About/Events/Armed-Forces-Day-Luncheon/ or https://www.facebook.com/CTArmedForcesDay (SFC Blake 17 Jan email)
Sat, 8 Jul 23 – 192 Engineer Bn Formal Military Ball, Mystic Marriott Hotel and Spa. (Flyer with Bulletin 23-05)
Mon, 17 Jul 23 – CT National Guard Foundation 2023 Charity Golf Outing, Chippanee Country Club, Bristol. (Save the Date flyer at Bulletin 23-04)
National Guard Association of CT’s 29th Annual State Conference 2023
DOWNLOAD FLYER HERE: 2023 NGACT Annual Conference
FY23 NGACT Scholarship Announcement
National Guard Association of Connecticut 360 Broad Street, Hartford, CT 06105-3795 www.ngact.org
A Message from the Scholarship Committee of the National Guard Association of Connecticut (NGACT)
The National Guard Association of Connecticut (NGACT) proudly announces the F Y 23 Scholarship Application for NGACT members and their dependents. For a full list of those eligible to apply, please visit our website at https://www.ngact.org.
Background: NGACT was founded in 1994 as a combined officer and enlisted organization for the purpose of representing active and retired members of the Connecticut Army and Air National Guard.
NGACT was originally organized as a non-profit organization designed to serve as the collective voice of all Guard officer and enlisted personnel. Together, members share in the pride, patriotism, and vigilance that keep America strong, accomplishing together what no person could accomplish alone. This united voice helps keep the Connecticut Army and Air National Guard ready and equipped to defend our freedom and represented at the national level through the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS).
NGACT provides a means to express the wishes of its many members. In the past it has proven its value through improved benefits, modem facilities, and better equipment. Moreover, NGACT offers individual and family benefits otherwise not available; Group Insurance for members and families, annual NGACT Conference, and support services including co-sponsor of National Guard events and support of Send Off and Welcome Home Celebrations. The Scholarships program is just one of the many ways the organization gives back to the members, and recognizes its members for exceptional service and academics.
Please take a moment to review the online application at: https://www.ngact.org. Complete and return no later than 0 1 June 2023.
Three (3) $1,000 scholarships from the National Guard Association of CT. One (1) $1,000 scholarship from USAA.
Must be uploaded to website, or postmarked no later than 01 June 2023.
Best of Luck to our Applicants.
Please contact Mark Soltau for additional information at (203) 727-4379.
The Scholarship Committee
FY22 Scholarship Awardees were presented with their check at the Scholarship Award Brunch at JFHQ:
The National Guard Association of CT State Sponsored Life Insurance (SSLI)
- Up to $1,000,000 coverage available*
- Members covered in combat
- Covered 24/365
- Most valid claims paid within 24 to 48 hours of receipt of proof of loss
- All military occupations covered
- Spouse and Children coverage available
- Coverage does not end and rates DO NOT go up just because you separate from the National Guard
- SSLI can be payroll deducted from drill check or AGR payroll
- All SSLI group plans cover members while serving in the Connecticut National Guard including deployment
For coverage details including eligibility, benefits, rates, exclusions, limitations and renewal provisions please contact the plan administrator tollfree at 800-633-8333.
National Guard Association of Connecticut State Sponsored Life Insurance is provided under group life insurance policies issued to the Militia Insurance Trust (MIT). The
Guardian group life policy and the Uniformed Services Benefit Association (USBA) 10, 15 and 20 year level term life policies are underwritten by New York Life Insurance Company.
Download 02 MAR 2023 Bulletin HERE: Frank Perry’s Newsletter 23-05
Frank Perry’s Newsletter 23-05
Honor Flight Connecticut
A Hub of the National Honor Flight Network
Honor Flight CT recognizes American veterans for their sacrifices and achievements by flying them to Washington, DC to see THEIR memorials at no cost. Current priority is chronological by conflict (WWII, Korea and Vietnam) with special consideration given to terminally ill veterans from all wars. Guardians fly with the veterans on every flight providing assistance and helping veterans have a safe, memorable and rewarding experience.
Please note: Veterans are only eligible once for the Honor Flight experience.
Your information MUST be exactly as it appears on your ID For Airline Travel (License, Passport, Govt ID):
Please submit this form to:
Honor Flight Connecticut
c/o Amy Casey
26 Copperstone Lane
Madison, CT 06443